From the Inventor:

During my 18 years of teaching Buteyko breathing, I have observed that the most significant challenge for Buteyko breathing learners is to feel and maintain the ideal level of reduced breathing. Another problem is that very few can consistently focus their attention on their breathing because their activities distract them. (Learn more about the Buteyko breathing method and its benefits here.)

Buteyko Breathing Instructor

I have pondered long and hard on how to assist my patients even when I am not present to provide feedback on their breathing.

Finally, I found the solution!

Fortunately, besides being a Buteyko breathing therapist, I am also an electrical engineer. This fortunate combination allowed me to invent and develop the Buteyko Smart Belt™, which is highly sensitive and vibrates to alert whenever an unhealthy breath is taken. In a short time – a few hours or days – you become aware of your large breaths and can even prevent them. You will witness how much more effective your reduced breathing becomes and how much progress you make with the Buteyko breathing method when using the Buteyko Smart Belt™!

Buteyko Smart Belt - Your Buteyko Berathing Instructor

Until now, we haven’t had any objective feedback on the amount of air we inhale or the extent of our breathing reduction. That’s why I developed the Buteyko Smart Belt™, which, similar to the vibration of a mobile phone, alerts you whenever you take larger breaths than healthy!
Your entire day will become a Buteyko breathing exercise if you use it:

  • Your control pause will increase significantly,
  • your symptoms will disappear,
  • your health and endurance will improve,
  • your physical and mental performance will improve,
  • because the oxygen supply to all 37 trillion of your cells will improve.

Rechargeable ● 2 sensitivity levels ● Detailed manual ● Support page ● E-mail support ● 3-year warranty!

Buteyko Smart Belt™ is not a mass-produced item manufactured in millions in China. I make them individually, set their sensitivity, and guarantee the quality of each piece because I test them individually.

For the first 1000 customers, I will send five surprise gifts that support the more effective application of the Buteyko Breathing Method.
Never before has the Buteyko breathing been applied as effectively as it is now with the Buteyko Smart Belt™!

Gyula Varga-Szilágyi,
Inventor, developer, and manufacturer of the Buteyko Smart Belt™
Buteyko Breathing Practitioner for 18 years

Buteyko Smart Belt - Your Buteyko Berathing Instructor

Buteyko breathing has never been so easy to learn! BUTEYKO SMART BELTTM vibrates to alert you to any breath-in that is deeper than healthy.

Buteyko Smart Belt - Your Buteyko Berathing Instructor

Excerpt from the User Manual Found in the Box

Before you put on your BUTEYKO SMART BELT

It matters where you wear the BUTEYKO SMART BELT on your body, so please do NOT start by putting it on! To find the right position, first examine your normal, comfortable, restful breathing in front of a mirror, shirtless, both from the front and the side. For the time being, don’t change your breathing and keep your posture the same as it was before. Simply observe which part of your body moves the most while breathing. If you find that your chest rises more than the belly or the rib cage, you will need to put the BUTEYKO SMART BELT over your chest at first. Put it as high as your armpits will allow. Read More ...

And if your ribs are rising more (you can feel this by putting your fingers on your lower ribs), then put the BELT under your chest, on your lower ribs that move the most, or one inch lower.

After a few days of use, you can place it even lower, halfway between the sternum and the navel. When you put it on, you’ll find it’s very sensitive. If you tighten it as tight as a conventional belt, it will keep signalling. I didn’t want to make you squeeze your tummy with it (a silly belt would do that:), because that would be very uncomfortable to endure for a long time. It’s a sensor, a delicate instrument that I’ve made so sensitive that you can adjust the BELT quite loosely and it will still indicate larger breaths. So you can wear it all day long, it won’t be uncomfortable.

Once you’ve set the length of the BUTEYKO SMART BELT, you can start to make sure it doesn’t vibrate. Take small breaths, stop inhaling before the BUTEYKO SMART BELT starts vibrating, but don’t interfere with exhaling, just let it happen. You can take smaller breaths in a relaxed manner if you correct your posture. Extend, bringing the bottom of your shoulder blades together. When you’ve managed to breathe for 5 minutes without a single alarm, increase the sensitivity by adjusting the BUTEYKO SMART BELT 1 to 2 centimetres shorter.

You have the length of the BUTEYKO SMART BELT well-adjusted if you can only keep it quiet by taking smaller breaths while feeling the slight, but still firm, AIR SHORTAGE! If you don’t feel the air shortage, then adjust the belt even shorter!

Later, when you’re so good at reducing your breathing that the BUTEYKO SMART BELT doesn’t give an alarm for days, set the small slide switch to position 2 (more sensitive).

Gradualness! Don’t try to achieve the end goal the first time, because that’s not possible. It will only make you frustrated and possibly discouraged. You need to realise that it takes time to make such a big change, to change and correct what may be decades of bad breathing habits. Give your body time to get used to it, to adapt to a little less air, and then you can take one step forward. The first time you wear the BUTEYKO SMART BELT, 5 minutes is enough. Just keep it on until your breathing muscles are relaxed. At first, people quickly become tense from wearing the BUTEYKO SMART BELT – that is, from the voluntary reduction of over-breathing. When you notice this on yourself, unbuckle or take it off, because any tension will only increase breathing. You will need to find out how you can relax your breathing muscles to keep the BUTEYKO SMART BELT quiet, i.e. reduce your breathing. To do this, you need to have the right posture, but it should not be stiff or cause tension in your body. Notice that as soon as you correct your posture, the BUTEYKO SMART BELT goes silent. Gradually, in small increments, increase the amount of time you wear the BUTEYKO SMART BELT, but at the same time wear it as often as you can.

For example, initially, wearing the BUTEYKO SMART BELT for 5-10 minutes of every hour is very effective. The goal is to keep it silent for 5-10 minutes while your abdominals, diaphragm and rib muscles are not strained. In the beginning, almost everyone makes the mistake of trying to avoid the sound of the BUTEYKO SMART BELT by over-tightening the abdominal and rib muscles. Muscles that are constantly under tension will soon become exhausted. In addition, any tension increases breathing. You’re just straining, but your breathing increases instead of decreasing.

Elimination of symptoms

From now on, if you have any symptoms of overbreathing – such as coughing, choking, wheezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, panic attack, tachycardia, poor circulation, cold extremities – just put on the well-adjusted BUTEYKO SMART BELT, make it stop vibrating as described and your symptoms will disappear within minutes. Some people can get rid of their headaches with a BUTEYKO SMART BELT, and some people can get rid of their high blood pressure.

The one thing the BUTEYKO SMART BELT can’t do is work even when you’re not using it. So use it whenever you can, and you will experience the wonderful healing effects of the Buteyko method. Don’t run away from breathlessness, because that’s what we are looking for, that’s what we want to achieve and that’s what we can sustain by using BUTEYKO SMART BELTTM. Let air shortage be your friend, because that is what will heal you!

About the Buteyko Breathing Method

Today, 9 out of 10 people consume more air than they should due to stress, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet and bad posture. Compared to our ancestors, we are consuming two, three or even more times as much air. This chronic over-breathing leads to the airways becoming excessively cold and dry, which encourages infections and inflammation. In addition, over-breathing also means breathing out too much carbon dioxide. However, our bodies need a certain amount of carbon dioxide to stay healthy. So much so that without carbon dioxide we would die within minutes, just as we would without oxygen. Carbon dioxide is the ‘catalyst’ for oxygen. If our carbon dioxide levels fall because we are over-breathing, our cells are less able to take up oxygen from our blood (Bohr effect). In other words, our cells and tissues are deprived of oxygen at the very moment when we over-breathe. This chronic hypoxia can play a role in the development of many diseases, such as asthma, COPD, allergies, nasal congestion, eczema, high blood pressure, poor circulation, cold limbs, headaches, migraines, anxiety, panic disorder, sleep apnoea, snoring, frequent toilet visits, distraction, poor concentration, poor physical performance, poor stamina, etc.

The essence of Buteyko Breathing Method is to restore the imbalanced respiratory homeostasis by restoring the body’s carbon dioxide levels to normal. To do this, we need to intervene in our breathing at will, to stop over-breathing, i.e. to reduce our air consumption, the amount of air we inhale and exhale per minute. This is where BUTEYKO SMART BELTTM helps. The Buteyko Breathing Reduction Method seems simple, but very few people manage to get their bodies to permanently consume half or less of their usual air intake without outside help. It takes patience and perseverance to get your body used to getting back to what now seems like a small, but in fact normal, healthy amount of air. Many people give up prematurely because they lack the willpower, persistence and patience. This is usually because they are able to pay attention to their breathing and reduce it rarely and only for short periods of time. It is difficult, for example, to even pay attention to breathing while working or doing anything else, even watching TV. It is useless to reduce your breathing for 10-20-30 minutes if you do not pay attention to your breathing for hours afterwards. Our body „sucks back” the amount of air we have withdrawn by deep breaths, e.g. sighing or yawning. This destroys all that we have built up and renders our breathing-reduction exercise ineffective. Even at times when we are aware of our breathing, when we are listening to it, it is hard to resist the incredibly strong urge to sigh. And when we’re not paying attention to our breathing because we’re distracted by something else, those deep/big breaths are bound to happen. Then we fall back to the state we were in before we started to reduce our breathing and start all over again. No wonder this inefficiency discourages many Buteyko breathing learners and they give up prematurely.


„We could make much better progress with the Buteyko method if we got some kind of feedback every time we took more air than we wanted to.” This idea led me to develop the BUTEYKO SMART BELT™, which makes learning Buteyko breathing incredibly effective. It’s a lucky coincidence that I’m not only a Buteyko breathing practitioner, but also an electrical engineer, so I managed to develop a device that alerts you with a vibration when you take in more air than you should. After just a few sessions of wearing the BUTEYKO SMART BELT, you will become more aware of your breathing and, over time, learn to prevent taking large/deep breaths. You will find that you get better at using the Buteyko breathing method if you learn to reduce your breathing so that the BUTEYKO SMART BELT does not alert you.

This is what I will help you with below.

You may need to adjust the length of the BUTEYKO SMART BELT frequently – for example, because of changing circumstances (wearing more or fewer layers of clothing, moving around, sitting or because two of you are using the BUTEYKO SMART BELT). If this happens, you may want to mark the length of the BUTEYKO SMART BELT you use at the buckle with a different coloured felt tip marker where it bends back to make it easier to adjust it next time.

You can adjust the sensitivity of the BUTEYKO SMART BELT by its length (tension) and by using the small slide switch: 1 is a less sensitive starting level, 2 is a very sensitive advanced level.

Again, I emphasise that the sensitivity of the BUTEYKO SMART BELT is set correctly, if you can get it to not signal only when you are voluntarily reducing your breathing and feel a slight shortage of air.

There are two ways to reduce the amount of air you take in per minute: either by taking smaller breaths or by taking fewer breaths (slowing down your breathing). It is very important that you do not want to do both at the same time at first! Otherwise you will become spastic and your breathing will increase rather than decrease.

So you have to break the process down into two steps: first you have to get to the point where you are breathing in smaller breaths all the time, and only then can you slow your breathing. I know it’s tempting, and it seems easier to slow down your breathing because you can measure it in seconds. But almost everyone who starts with this falls into the mistake of wanting to measure litres in seconds. If you only pay attention to the rhythm of your breathing and try to slow it down, you will inevitably start taking bigger and bigger breaths. Especially if you are not yet aware enough of your breathing, if you are not yet able to control it properly. But you cannot slow down your breathing by taking larger breaths, because this will increase your respiratory minute ventilation (the amount of air you breathe in and out per minute, measured in litres) instead of decreasing it.

So for the first few weeks, don’t worry about your breathing rhythm at all. First you need to learn, to get a feel for how you can reduce the depth of your breathing, how you can keep taking smaller breaths.

To use Buteyko breathing successfully, you need to learn to accurately sense the amount of air you breathe in. Then you need to develop the ability to take slightly smaller breaths than before.

The BUTEYKO SMART BELTTM is like having your very own Buteyko instructor with you all the time. It teaches you to sense your breathing and teaches you to breathe in small breaths. It is the only tool that can do this, which is why it is so important.

It usually takes a few weeks for someone to really get the hang of continuously regulating the amount of air he/she breathes. When you get to the point where you’re using it at a level 2 and it doesn’t vibrates once all day, that’s the only time you can move on and try to slow your breathing. Of course, keep the BUTEYKO SMART BELT quiet while you do this.

At rest, there are three things you need to watch out for, that affect the amount of air you breathe:

  1. posture
  2. relaxation
  3. voluntary breathing reduction.


A sloppy, slouched posture will squeeze the diaphragm muscles, leaving not enough room to move up and down. This is when the auxiliary breathing muscles start to work, even though they shouldn’t be moving, at least not at rest.

The auxiliary breathing muscles are the intercostal muscles, which open and close the intercostal space by attaching to the outer and inner edges of the rib cage. On the other hand, they lift the chest by adhering to the shoulder and collarbone, thus increasing the lung volume up to several times the volume at rest, so that we can breathe enough air during intense exercise. A normal resting intake is about 0.5 litres, while the total vital capacity of the lungs is ten times this, 5 litres. The ability to take such large breaths is mainly due to the auxiliary respiratory muscles. However, at rest, these auxiliary muscles are not needed. In fact, using them instead of the diaphragm is a totally inefficient way of breathing at rest. Our body requires much more air when we breathe with the auxiliary muscles than when we breathe with the diaphragm muscles alone. The reason is that the blood pressure in the small blood circuit between the lungs and the heart is very low, only 20 mm Hg, and with such low blood pressure the distance between the apex of the lungs and the lower part of the lungs is already important. So the lower parts of the lungs have better circulation, better blood supply, and therefore more efficient gas exchange than the upper parts. But we only use the lower part of the lungs when we breathe through the diaphragm (i.e. „into the belly”). The air taken in by the auxiliary breathing muscles goes to the upper parts of the lungs, where gas exchange is less efficient, and we will therefore take more air in (and therefore exhale more, i.e. lose more carbon dioxide) than if we breathe into the abdomen. So the aim of good posture is to make room for the diaphragm to move up and down, so that we can take in much less air.

The way I learned how to assume the correct posture at the Buteyko Clinic in Moscow, founded by Professor Buteyko, is as follows. Stand in front of a vertical wall or door so that your heels, sacrum (not the top of your buttocks), shoulders (not your arms, but the top, outer part of your shoulders) and the back of your head (not the top of your head) are touching the surface, with your shoulders not hunched up but lowered loosely, naturally.

If you are sitting on a chair, make sure that the bottom tips of the shoulder blades are close together. You can achieve the same thing by moving your sternum as far away from your navel as you can. „While your shoulders remain loosely dropped, lift your sternum out so that its distance from your navel is maximized,” I used to tell my students. Tilt your hips slightly under you (tuck your buttocks in a little). This will ‘turn on’ and tone the lower diaphragm muscle in the pelvic floor, which is the key to controlling breathing.

On the other hand, incorrect posture also increases breathing because it creates tension in your muscles. And tension always increases breathing. If you have good posture, your bones and skeletal system will balance and hold your body, and your muscles can stay loose. A common problem, for example, is looking down a lot, at your laptop screen or mobile phone. This causes our neck to lean forward and we hold our 7 kg head with our neck muscles even when we’re not looking at our laptop or mobile. Make sure your head is always balanced on the atlas, the upper vertebrae, so that your neck muscles remain perfectly relaxed.

Exercise 1 – notice how the correct posture reduces your breathing

Stand next to a door or wall for 2-5 minutes as I have just described and pay attention to each inhalation and exhalation. You’ll see how wonderfully your breathing decreases just by holding the right position without interfering or feeling short of breath.

This is confirmed by the BUTEYKO SMART BELT™: the vibration stops as soon as you assume the correct posture. So the BUTEYKO SMART BELT also indicates incorrect posture, as over-breathing is very often caused by poor posture.

Buteyko Smart Belt - Your Buteyko Berathing Instructor

Those living in the United States can purchase on  Amazon.com, Australian citizens on Amazon.com.au

Top review from Amazon

C Lynn

Reviewed in the United States on Dec. 19, 2023

Buteyko coach in a Box!

This product is I believed solely designed to help improve the application of the Buteyko breathing technique and bring it to a higher level. The essence of the Buteyko method lies in voluntarily eliminating overbreathing. As described in the wonderful New York Times bestselling book called „Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art” by James Nestor (2020). It is strange, but aparently „less is more” when it comes to breathing!

Using the Buteyko method requires:

proper posture
abdominal breathing
feeling the lack of air

The Buteyko Smart Belt instantly signals with vibration when my posture is poor, as incorrect posture leads to increased breathing. For those accustomed to chest breathing like me, this belt assists in transitioning to abdominal breathing. As instructed, I have first initially fastened the belt just above the chest, directly under the armpit. This way, it provides vibration feedback with each breath taken into the chest. Only when abdominal breathing is entirely established, and one can consistently breathe solely with abdominal breathing, should we fasten the belt around our ribs.

This encourages us to sense the (helpful!) breathlessness that Nestor wrote about since it vibrates with every breath where you don’t feel air hunger. I give this product a 5-star rating because it has been extremely beneficial to me, greatly assisting me in sensing continuous, breathless breathing or breathing with a smaller amplitude than usual, which is the core of the Buteyko method.

This is definitely a product that should be used only by people who’ve studied and learned about the Buteyko method. It’s inventor is brilliant…he invented a „Buteyko coach in a Box!”

Buteyko Smart Belt™ – A Revolution in Learning the Buteyko Breathing Method.

Buteyko Smart Belt

Reviews of the Buteyko Smart Belt™ – Experiences and Recommendations

Ildikó Sarkadi

Dear Gyula! You have accomplished something remarkable, not only as a therapist but also as an engineer. The Buteyko Smart Belt makes practicing the Buteyko breathing technique much easier. It acts as a guardian angel, alerting us to even the slightest loss of focus. Thank you very much! We wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who wants to take care of their health!

Nikoletta Timár

Dear Gyula!
This is a tremendous invention! I have had asthma for 26 years, and it became severe a few years ago. At the beginning of last year, I was very ill and searched the internet, where I discovered the Buteyko breathing technique… Read more ...
Back then, my control pause was around 6-7 seconds. Within a year, I reached 25-30 seconds. There were a few occasions when I even reached 40 seconds, and once or twice, I reached 60 seconds. It feels incredibly satisfying. However, I wasn’t always sure if I was doing things correctly because sometimes my breathing deteriorated when I didn’t pay attention to it. I was able to stop taking medication. At the end of August, I saw the video about the Buteyko Smart Belt and immediately ordered it. It helped me realize what I still needed to improve, my posture. Although I knew that posture was important, I struggled to make progress in that aspect. Then I put on the belt, and for me, it’s perfect with the suspenders. After the first use, it already changed my posture. It was very reassuring that at level one, it hardly gave any signals, but at level two, the signals started coming. There is still room for improvement, apparently, but the smart belt is a tremendous help in this regard. An incredibly good „instructor.” Congratulations to Gyula for the invention! I wish it could help many people worldwide! I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone! Comfortable to wear. If we forget about proper breathing, the smart belt immediately alerts us. Even without the Buteyko Smart Belt, my posture remains the same as with it. The best teacher!

Patonyi Tamás

With the Buteyko Smart Belt, I can control my breathing much better. It helps a lot that I receive immediate feedback when I take in more air than necessary. The fact that it is made of natural materials is the icing on the cake. Thank you very much, and I can only recommend it to everyone!!!

Check out how it works!

Buteyko training tool

Reviews of the Buteyko Smart Belt™ – Experiences and Recommendations

Anita Podmaniczky

I always wanted a device to monitor whether I am breathing correctly. That’s why I was glad to have the opportunity to try the Buteyko Smart Belt. When I use it, I pay more attention to proper breathing and correct posture. If I happen to forget during activities, it alerts me through vibrations. It is also useful for those who couldn’t attend the Buteyko breathing course.

Mária Nagyné Bubenkó

Thank you very much for the belt! It is finely tuned! Even after just a few days of use, I find it very helpful! I already breathe more attentively. I really like that it comes into contact with my skin through completely natural materials because I will wear it at work, under my clothes. One thing is for sure, if it works for me, I will teach my husband how to use it too! Thank you once again to Gyula Varga-Szilágyi for creating it!

For UK residents
For the fastest delivery, order your Buteyko Smart Belt from: our UK Distributor.

For US residents
For the fastest delivery, order your Buteyko Smart Belt from: amazon.com

For Australian residents
For the fastest delivery, order your Buteyko Smart Belt from:

Limited-Time Offer Until December 24th!!

Get the Buteyko Smart Beltfor Only 199 Euro!

(Regular Price: 210 Euro)

Free Shipping Worldwide!

Plus, receive 5 exclusive Buteyko surprises in the box! Each gift enhances your Buteyko Breathing practice, even when you’re not wearing the belt.

(Ask for additional discount in the Comments section of the order form!)


Buteyko breathing aid

The Buteyko Smart Belt™ is extra long (150 cm) so that everyone can cut it to their own size with scissors.

After ordering, we will send you the invoice via email, which you can settle by bank transfer or credit card payment. Once the payment is received, we will ship the Buteyko Smart Belt™ to you within 2 business days.

(Fields marked with * are mandatory.)

    About the Buteyko Breathing Method

    Our lifestyle past and present

    Why you need Buteyko Smart Belt

    Due to stress, lack of physical activity, and unhealthy eating habits, we consume much more air than our ancestors, sometimes two to three times or even more. This results in overbreathing or hyperventilation, leading to an insufficient amount of carbon dioxide in our bodies. However, carbon dioxide acts as a catalyst for oxygen. Without sufficient carbon dioxide, the oxygen in our blood cannot be utilized properly, leading to chronic hypoxia and causing various health issues such as asthma, COPD, allergies, nasal congestion, eczema, high blood pressure, poor circulation, cold extremities, headaches, migraines, anxiety, panic disorder, sleep apnea, snoring, frequent urination, attention deficit, poor concentration, declining physical performance, and reduced stamina, etc…Read more

    The essence of Professor Buteyko’s method is to restore the disrupted respiratory homeostasis by raising the body’s carbon dioxide levels back to normal. This involves reducing the amount of air we breathe per minute, both during inhalation and exhalation. The Buteyko Smart Belt assists in teaching the Buteyko breathing reduction method. While the Buteyko breathing technique may seem simple, only a few people can achieve a sustainable reduction in their breathing without external assistance, allowing their bodies to adjust to the current amount of air intake, or even less. It requires patience and perseverance, as our bodies need time to adapt to this seemingly low, yet normal and healthy level of air intake. Some people give up prematurely because they lack sufficient willpower, perseverance, and patience. The reason is that they can only focus on their breathing and reduce it for a short period. It becomes challenging, for example, to focus on withholding breath even during work or any other activities. Despite reducing our breathing for 10-20-30 minutes, if we do not pay attention afterward, our body will „take back” the amount we withheld, thus undermining what we have built and rendering our breathing reduction practice ineffective. Anyone who has tried to reduce their breathing must have noticed that when successful in reducing breathing, they feel an almost irresistible urge to take one or more large breaths. It is even difficult to resist this incredibly strong urge when we are aware of our breathing and consciously focusing on it. And when we are not paying attention to our breathing because something else occupies our mind, these large breaths are bound to occur, causing us to revert to our pre-breathing reduction state, and we have to start all over again. It’s no wonder that some Buteyko practitioners lose motivation and give up on their goals. However, this can no longer happen to those who use the BUTEYKO SMART BELT™!

    There are two ways to reduce the amount of air we breathe per minute: by taking smaller breaths or by breathing less frequently. Ideally, we should be able to do both simultaneously, meaning taking smaller breaths less frequently. For a beginner, this would be too challenging, and it would likely lead to forced exertion, which not only fails to reduce breathing but might even increase respiratory effort.

    Therefore, I suggest not trying to achieve everything at once. In the beginning, focus on one aspect and gradually incorporate the other. Reducing and slowing down the breathing might seem easier because it can be measured in seconds. However, many people who start with this approach fall into the trap of measuring liters in seconds. Those who solely focus on slowing down their breathing rhythm and attempt to measure it in seconds inevitably start taking larger breaths, especially if they haven’t developed a strong awareness of their breathing. However, we cannot slow down our breathing at the expense of taking larger breaths because, overall, our respiratory ventilation per minute will increase instead of decreasing.

    To be successful in the Buteyko breathing technique, you must first accurately perceive the amount of air you inhale and then develop the ability to take slightly smaller breaths than before. The BUTEYKO SMART BELT™ assists in this process. When properly adjusted, it immediately alerts you if you fail to take small breaths. The belt can significantly shorten the learning process of perceiving and reducing the amount of inhaled air.

    I have created the packaging and other plastics using PLA (polylactic acid) through 3D printing. PLA is a compostable plastic made from corn and is exceptionally strong. The belt itself is made of 100% cotton. The device can be charged from any USB source, and the package includes a charging cable.

    Gyula Varga-Szilágyi,
    Inventor, developer, and manufacturer of the Buteyko Smart Belt™
    Buteyko Breathing Practitioner for 18 years