The essence of the Buteyko™ method is the deliberate elimination of overbreathing by reducing the depth (amplitude) of breathing.
The Buteyko Smart Belt™ helps you learn to breathe correctly according to the Buteyko™ method. With regular use, over time, this type of breathing becomes automatic and natural.
Eliminate Chest Breathing with the Buteyko Smart Belt™
Download and print the Belt use logbook page from here:
Setting Up and Using the Buteyko Smart Belt™ Illustrated with Diagrams (Video)
Setting up and using the Buteyko SMART Belt TM
The goal: to feel a slite AIR-SHORTAGE, while your belly, and breathing muscles are RELAXED!
- Cut a piece of string that goes comfortably around your waist.
- Position the string about 5 cm below the lower line of your chest and cut it to the length that matches your waist circumference after a normal exhalation.
- Remember this spot on your body because you will need to adjust the belt to fit exactly there.
- Adjust the belt to the same length as the string. Keep the sliding fastener released so that you can easily adjust the belt length (tightness) later if needed:
- Place it on a table with the BUTEYKO.HU label facing up, and the box farther away from you.
- For now, set the belt sensitivity to level 1 with the small slider switch. If you’re wearing multiple layers of clothing, you might need to switch it to level 2 later.
- Attach the belt to your pants, ensuring that the two front clasps of the belt are about 10 cm away from the box, facing the box. Where the belt is folded double, attach it only to the inner layer so that you can adjust the belt length after putting it on.
- Adjust both straps of the belt about 10-15 cm longer than they were set at the factory. Observe how it works so that you can adjust it further when wearing it if needed.
- Put on the belt with the suspenders like a vest. Fasten the belt but do not turn it on yet.
- Adjust the suspenders’ length so that the belt sits where the string was on your body.
- Turn on the belt using the round button on the box. When turned on, it will vibrate four times and shine blue.
- The belt length (tightness) is correctly adjusted when, during normal relaxed, comfortable breathing (neither forced nor restrained), it vibrates 2-4 times with each inhalation and goes silent with each exhalation.
- If it vibrates continuously, loosen the belt by about 1 cm.
- If it doesn’t vibrate at all, tighten it so that it’s about 1 cm shorter.
- Once you’ve successfully adjusted the belt’s length (tightness) so that it vibrates with each inhalation and goes silent with each exhalation, secure the size using the sliding fastener: Secured.
- Try to take smaller breaths so that the belt only vibrates for a short time. Strive to make it silent while maintaining a relaxed abdomen and relaxed respiratory muscles.
- The belt is perfectly adjusted when you can keep it silent only by feeling a slight but distinct SHORTAGE OF AIR with a RELAXED abdomen and relaxed respiratory muscles.
- If the belt doesn’t vibrate at all or if it vibrates continuously after several breaths, adjust it as needed.
- Keep in mind that tensing your respiratory muscles to silence the belt is not the goal. Try to achieve a slight SHORTAGE OF AIR with relaxed muscles.
Record your belt usage in a journal! (Downloadable PDF log.) Only an increase in control pause matters; it tells you if you’re using the belt correctly.
Note: Any control pause measurement that results in taking larger breaths than usual or even just an urge for larger breaths should not be entered into the journal. Repeat the measurement after one minute.